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A Beard Care Guide for Men


If you are struggling with maintaining and caring for your beard, we have some leading tips to help make the process of managing your beard a lot easier for you. We understand that growing a beard is not only a cool process, it is also a very difficult one. Though it is considered a right of passage into manhood, it comes with a fair amount of responsibility, meaning it is up to you to care for it appropriately. Many men do not know how to reduce the amount of irritation and itchiness that comes with shaving and trimming their facial hair. Today, we are going to provide you with a step by step guide to help solve this problem, so you can enjoy your beard the way you were intended to!


First of all, the biggest issue men face when growing a beard is the itchiness, scratchiness and irritation that comes with shaving and trimming their facial hair. All of this can be reduced and minimized with the use of good quality Scruff Stuff Beard Products. The one thing you need to keep in mind is proper use of these products, as there is an appropriate way to apply each one in order to get the most out of each one.


For starters, once you have found the right beard oil or conditioner for your skin type, you must follow the directions on the bottle to make sure you are using it the right way. Begin the process of application by lathering the beard oil into your facial hair while you are in the shower. You will want to massage it deeply into every hair follicle, and into your facial pores as well. Know extra information about this when you browse the site at This method of massaging it deeply into your hair fibers will not only cleanse your beard and face, it will also remove all excess dead skin cells and built up dirt. You must then rinse it out, and move onto step two.


Step two in Scruff Stuff Beard Care involves standing in front of a mirror, where you will use a thin comb to brush through the fibers of your facial hair, clearing out all tangles and knots. While your hair is still damp, apply a good quality beard conditioner, and work it through your mane deeply. Groom it to the style you desire, and allow it to sit without touching it. This will allow the conditioner to be absorbed into your beard and face, which will ultimately reduce the irritation many men experience after shaving.

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